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Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station




EDF Energy

Sizewell, Suffolk


Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station

KMC is retained by EDF Energy as their strategic transport adviser for the proposed £20 billion Sizewell C nuclear power station on the Suffolk coast. Once operational, Sizewell C will generate enough low-carbon electricity to supply six million homes.

KMC played a critical role in both the preparation of the Development Consent Order (DCO) application and throughout the examination itself. KMC managed the preparation of the Transport Assessment, the management plans including the Travel Plan, Construction Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Incident Management Plan and the transport input to the Environmental Impact Assessment as well as managing the traffic modelling and detailed design of a comprehensive package of highway works associated with the development. Kirsty McMullen, one of KMC’s directors, was the transport expert witness at the DCO examination.

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